Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Can you find your website on google? Even more important is the question: Can you find your website with the right keywords and to all the relevant keyword phrases or do your potential costumers better take your competing company? 

What we can do for you?

We analyze your website with the latest findings of Search Engine Optimization. Also we give you an individual measure catalog so you get a better feel for the way of thinking of Search Engine. With this you can start to get the traffic you always wanted to your website.


Get activ and get more costumers on your website with concerted Search Engine Optimizations. 

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Select one of the packs for professional SEO support

Optional modules additional bookable in addition  to the online order.

All prices plus statutory value added tax

Contact period: You can resign with every end of month – regular conatct periods of SEO last abot 12 to 24 month – Test us this very day!


Numbers and facts to the relevanz of SEO

It’s an increasing trend more and more takers inform theirselves via the Internet. Often they also do the wanted transactions like a purchase at once.

In Germany Google has a market share about 90% from Search Engines. So it’s important to be on top of the google ranking if you want to be found.

With the query the first findings get around 80 percent of the klicks.


Monitoring und WebTracking

The search results on google are devided in two sections:

  • The ususal Searching- results (organic ranking) and
  • the paid advertisements (Google AdWords)

Both sections change constantly and have to be kept in view. We assume that for you and report about all the relevant developements. Do you want to be found via the ususal searching results or in additional to that also via paid advertisement? Take a profit from our certified AdWords-counseling and let us give you an individual offer.